Oh my god. Long time no see Doctor! What's new!
Oh right. Everything. Chibnall. Fuck.
(Article contains spoilers).
Why Chris you give so many original concepts at Doctor Who, back into the anthology classic episodes, but with some stupid absolutely non-sense finale in series 12 with bring my eyes apart and put it deep into my anus when I heard this name? "Doctor", not the "Master".
Pointless potential gives our doctors another mary sue vibe, that exists behind their backs always. Master is the madness, Doctor was and always should be the opposite of the Master. Unmadnessed madness - this is the Doctor. Doctor Who? Every incarnation of Doctor, not "who", weird question. I mean series 11 brings me some hope for new concepts, new stories, and new-based enemies without Master, Weeping Angels, Daleks, Cybermen, and so on. Of course, specials include Daleks, but this I interpreted as a special cameo in a bigger episode, and nothing more. It seems nice, however fatal the characters- numb companionships that have no characters- give us the only status of being only for being.
This is a fatal concept, and series 11 for those new friends of Doctor is only the beginning.

Another series 12 give me something extraordinary. New enemies, new stories, and old enemies returning in a new version. Here, everything would be perfect if not two things.
Clearly four. 1. Companions without any character. 2. Doctor without personality (Jodie Whittaker as much as she can, but I see the problem with the script) 3. The nonsensical and irrational narration of the stories and their conservative concepts and 4. THE FINALE.
I mean the whole point is that Chibnal and his writing team can't do the story with upgraded complex lore. There is no any Moffat weird and complex beautiful vibe, and there is no T Davies extra resource. This is heartbreaking, because I talk about someone, about Chris- the man who is part of DWuniverse, that writes pretty nice Torchwood. Here's the problem - Doctor Who is after all complex TV show. Without bringing something new, some restoring and heartbreaking, this almost 60-old boy will die. Naturally. It's hard to be original when you've got so many episodes and you have seen many other science fiction tv shows, but you still can muster something master-ious; masterfully. Without any of that, Doctor Who will be boring. There is no heartbreaking because the characters are only a cover for a story. In these times you can't make any new franchise without a hero with no complicated temper. Your culture will die if you don't do it. Master in Series 12 is not crazy. His plans are more likely naive and anti-logical even in the anti-logical sense that Master should have. The script is poor because of no lineage. If you want to do another Twilight Zone, you need to maximize the climate. But in series 11 and 12 climates are like a ragged red flag. Why? Plot holes + characters with no deep. The fatal ending of series 12 only brings my brain apart just like Doctor's tortures. Is Jack Harkness back? Good, but he has no character development. Living, dying. Living, dying just like another space rhino.

To be fair, it's really sad for me that Jodie doing as much as she can to describe my own Doctor, but smiling is not everything, that Thirteen should give us. The fatal death of the universe brings me tears, but there is hope. Always it- that's what doctors always learn. Even in this incarnation with so much optimistic potential.
Paradoxically, there is another incarnation in series 12-13 that have more character than the 13th incarnation. She has charisma, her own type of arrogant, but genius character. The Fugitive Doctors have only not perfect colorful gear that is more fascinating than the 13th Doctor good looking apron, but also they have their own type of madness which is on a level beyond how the Master or Doctor. Personally, I would like to see spin-off series about the rarefied incarnation of our main hero. I love both actresses, but I'm sorry, Fugitive Doctor has something in her mind than only smiles which is on paper in the role of screenwriter.

What we can see, the fact that there are actually only a few things that I like in the series 12-13:
Perfectish new amazing intro, new spoonish screwdriver, music, fugitive doctor, Jodie Whittaker, return of the weeping angels, and the Sontarans.
Nothing more, no less. 13 series give sea devils and other problematic numb scenario cases whit are like Deus ex Machina and mary sue at once. I'm in gigantic pain, please help. To be fair, thirteen doctor regeneration is very romantic- this sun is like hope. Always dream about something new to expect and something wonderful and you will be happy. At least I try to believe in that. Just like the Doctor.

Doctor Why,
Dr Zigma