I don't Understand the chess game in the universe!
simple game for the children before
beginning play in the chess
Chop! - The great game for the whole family, characterized by idiotic rules for people from the times when they killed huge dinosaurs with rocks, and people had a better life when the red star obscured the sickles and hammers of farmers dying of hunger. The game is characterized by having an 8x8 grid of alternating black and white squares, as well as 6 elves (black figures) and 12 dwarves (white figures). The elves are placed on the edge of the board - on the first grid at the edge of the board, spaced every three tiles apart. Dwarves are placed in the center of the board in three rows - two rows of 5 pieces and one row of two. Dwarves move in every direction, but only one space ahead. Elves move in all directions until any point on the board. The task of
the elves is to get rid of the dwarves. If there is 1 elf left on the board - the dwarves win, if only 2 dwarfs - then the elves win. Otherwise, the game ends in a draw. Similar to earthly chess, but you do not check in the chop, but only chop your opponents with a knife. On the board, not in reality. Please remember that.