Who is who?
Saliuss-born: 4093, Collacium, 128 years old, the guitarist and memeber of band ''Sayuk''.
Vanteix-born: 4097, Iirann, 124 years old, sneaky quiet assassin.
Hantron-born: 4093, Sto Lat, 128 years old, gambler, galacitc bounty hunter.
Mooros Barkol-born: 4099, Uonia, 122 years old, monk, a mysterious tramp.
Paurus-born: 4098, Ytia, 123 years old, gangster, smuggler.
Anrith-born: 3999, Entos, 222 years old, an experienced magician.
JIm The Fish-born: 2005, Earth, 10 years old, traveler, a friend of all people.
Kalvin Bill-born: 4125, Keniania-Kaytha, 96 years old, samurai, penitent.
Doctor-born: 1601, Gai, 421 years old, dimension lord, scientist, archer.
Beethoven-born: 4161, Pandora, 60 years old,

Fantastiq, Master, Out of the Life, Southern Nightmare,
The Tomorrows, Lords & Spies, The Crowlander, Bizarre adventures of Scooper and his stupid friends, Vonders [and more!],
The main plot of Fantastiq and most of the series takes place in the C585 dimension.
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