Doctor, oh Doctor, who are you? God embedded in the mortal body and mind? Rooted question and error in time or being with whom we should identify ... Because, just like us, she experienced a lot, from comedy through tragedy to elegance and peaceful life. Killer? Wretched? Mentally ill? Fake hero? Protagonist? Socrates? The determinant of nothing and at the same time something? We will deal with this issue in search of the Doctor's identity. It's time to take a deep breath because the new generation (new regeneration cycle) of the Doctor is coming into full swing. Let's not talk about whether the Doctor ultimately wants to be sentenced to his life again. This dilemma transforms into the enormity of the idea. The twelfth has to recover from such a change in his timeline for a long time. Actually, he tries to look for himself through the entire eighth series. It becomes a true hybrid of all previous personality memories. Once, he returns to his death from the eleventh incarnation, other times he gives his altruism along with the memory of the tenth, and at other times he turns into the ninth melancholic and others. The twelfth is worse because he tries to please Clare, who fights so hard to stay at his side. He knows now that he has lost above everything. Instead, he hopes to find Gallifrey. Although, initially he is counting on an escape from this duty. However, this is only a glimpse of maturity in giving time to this great priority for him. Instead, he sees great potential in Clara, because he wants to show some kind of parental empathy for her. The twelfth has an academic approach to Clary, he treats her like a student from whom he wants to derive a lesson. At the same time, try to swallow your eternal loneliness again. Numerous adventures make them argue, they are journeys based on contradictions with their own case of fate. On the twelfth, I try to moralize Clara in my own way, while she looks for what is most suitable for her. The companion's love ends just as tragically as a misunderstanding of the Doctor who, as a new personality, tried to find himself in all the information chaos and numerous amnesia. However, someone arrives who becomes an echo for liberation from the great unknowns. Master, actually Missy.

With the return involved, the root of the great dilemma of the past appears, a division of views about the Doctor and the Master. Along with this, they desire to prove to one side that they are not different at all and that they both deserve the rightful title of the time ruler. With the rapid disappearance of this situation later, I only call the Twelfth over his thoughts to deal with anything. However, quite mature, he focused mainly on the future of his activities in contrast to previous incarnations and took only good lessons seasoned with arguments on a given topic. The twelfth quite cleverly presents the situation to Clare, but also to other beings, he encounters. And here something slightly unheard-of happens: For the doctor becomes a narrator of my own destiny, the most aware of it. The situations he comes into contact with seem to him so familiar that not even surprising. He has almost full stability in his character. When a given confrontation occurs, I react with the rhetoric used, a thoughtful statement, like a real sage. Therefore, he forgives himself, he has come to terms with time travel. Davros hands his screwdriver as a sign of reconciliation, no matter if it was the boy's destiny to become a planetary genocide. It's all about the message - "Hey, I'm a Doctor. I am very old; I fight loneliness. I come to help you, I don't judge, and I don't plan to change anything or everything, no matter what you do in the future, because you don't deserve a worse or better fate than mine." He decides to make the same mature moves against the great rebellion created by Zygon and the people at the same time. He tries to sensitize both sides to the sensitivity of the consequences of the next generations, as well as of the deed itself. The twelfth man does not consider himself wonderful, he does not want to be a madman or a great savior of humanity. He does what every senior person does, analyzes himself at every level, and cares for the environment. He is becoming more and more positive about his relationship with Clara, treating her almost as much.

The fate of being a hybrid, on the other hand, seems to him to be a good reflection of what the perception of the other person actually is. Where are the limits of perception of beings and how much can each of us achieve by looking at the situation from several sides, without choosing black and white, whether something may be right or wrong? The patience of philosophy The doctor falls when he sees Clary's death. The twelfth cannot afford his beloved companion to deserve to die, especially so young. In part, he feels that he is at the center of this situation, which he thinks has somewhat led to. Before I try to solve the existential pain between the life of old people and the death of young people, he falls into the most powerful snares of time - his own will. The problems of the confessional disk make the Twelfth recognize the perception of the cage in which all civilizations fall. No, it's not just denying the cycle of life and death. At first, I gradually learn about the situation until I realize that there is a way out - towards the unknown. However, it will take at least 4.5 billion years to travel the road to long-lived history. The doctor is not going to give up, but the childhood nightmare is bringing an old man to an end. The twelfth, therefore, quickly realizes that he must fall prey to something that he has often caused in the past to the benefit or disadvantage of the universe. A kind of alleged punishment is to lead to the paradox of your own existence and create your own life-death again, and again, and again, and again and after ...

Twelfth after a perfidious wandering for every second of every eternity, I make the impossible, go beyond, and move toward the immortality of the limits of existence. Therefore, it destroys the powerful frame of paradox, so I intend to use powerful thoughts on those who deserve it the most. Angered, showing his highest ultimatum, the Doctor immediately deals with the worst among his people, whom he so desperately sought - corrupt power, full of "sick victorious tenth doctors". Without thinking and with great conviction, he uses every possible rhetoric, social status, and his own predispositions to deal with the flaw of his people, this time he kills (most likely) completely in penance. This time, however, does not get rid of anything, the Doctor frees himself along with the beings who have suffered the consequences of the War of Time, putting an end to the falsified history by Rassillion and his charges. At the same time, the charisma of our philosopher also reflects on what he supported - the General ends his chapter in offenses here, so the Twelfth kills him, seeing a better future. At the same time, she breaks the cycle, pulling Clara out of her life. He gives her a free hand but first loses some of her personality if she accepts her fate.
Twelfth begins his old youth again, and finds River Song, this time knowing everything about her. A strong farewell to the two was strong for both of them, but the Doctor will have to live, remembering his wife until the end of his years, and she about him, being trapped in the timelines with him. Twenty-four years have certainly passed their luck and happiness long enough for the Doctor to regenerate because of the darkness he created with his complex worldview at the end of Gallifrey.

Whether it is true or consequences, the Doctor follows the blow, in the next pages of my history I become a teacher, already a real one, I find a balanced peace that he wanted so much to regain after years of great crises. I get to know another personality - Billie. She reborn in him another sense of madness among travels, also with reciprocity. The twelfth sees in her true simple youth. The doctor also obtained a true loyalist - Nardol, who was bravely in his service and secret mission as a tribute to the British queen. He also allows himself a great joke, slightly deliberately leading to the simulation and inception of this world and bringing the monks to death. I take it at a cool distance, as well as loss of vision. Nothing will surprise him ... Until the box of his last fear opens again. With Billie's belief in a great dilemma about distant history with love and great compromised friendship, the Doctor realizes the real duality of his relationship with Master / Master. Toxic desire to dominate and burden the universe with a great utopia: a simultaneous manifestation of who the Doctor is and what the Masters are fighting against. The conflict is solved by a tragedy that the Twelfth did not foresee. It leads to the creation of another story that will destroy the Doctor during the past. The Master's narcissism surpassed his own love - thus leading to another, almost interpersonal suicide, as if it were his own illness he couldn't win and which the Twelfth tried to cure with him and with which he had won at home almost recently. Was the fate of each of these characters so written? The doctor knew the answer. No, but it has already happened, whether having this opportunity to unscrew it or not, prefers to know the weave of the future without much interference. Therefore, on the verge of the motives of the purified time ruler, he protected the rest of the events, which led him to his death. And here comes another philosophy of a complex issue, Doctor doesn't want to change. The point is not that he refuses to continue living, he thinks that even the old man must rest. So he gives himself time, saying goodbye to individual echoes of the past and people close to him. The doctor gets the urge to even make friends with himself (the first incarnation), giving a simultaneous wink to himself that he knows his identity. By letting the twelfth and his predecessors go quietly, he lets his existence go, at the mercy of life - the cycle of transience.

To sum up, therefore, columns about the Doctor's identity. Who is the muse of elegance and comedy at the same time? A big joke? The dark message of what we are and who we are and who we are not now? The Doctor's message is that he is whoever he could be - a surviving CHANGE in himself, in time and space, for good and for bad, forever, for millennia. It takes time. And this is the beauty of ourselves. Homo sapiens sapiens is developing with change. A social convention, developing one's own petty and high society. Wisdom and Intelligence-cooperating with time. We are all beautifully woven in time, and the Doctor has always understood this, even with his change and work on himself.
A short conclusion? Well, the time will come and it will eat us, and a column about the change/history arising at the Thirteenth will certainly rise. In the meantime, go buy your foes, play electric guitars, go out to a banana party, and shoot a water pistol! "We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s OK, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be."