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17 sie 20228 minut(y) czytania
Goodbye Saul, Welcome Jimmy - Ethical Laws of "Better Call Saul" TV Show (Season 6 full included)
Spoilers for BCS and Breaking Bad!!! (Check out this brilliant artwork for BCS: And here we...
49 wyświetleń
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22 kwi 20203 minut(y) czytania
"Better Call Saul" Season 5 is brilliant
Probably spoilers down here! So here we are in these weird times and our lawyer is coming back with new stories to tell. This prequel is...
21 wyświetleń
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25 wrz 20192 minut(y) czytania
What ''Breaking Bad'' Breaks in Us?
The general question about why "Breaking Bad" is like that is the best. The show definitely outpaced pop culture by a decade, if not by...
13 wyświetleń
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6 wrz 20192 minut(y) czytania
Philosophy of ''Doctor Who''
What can you find in this oldest British series S-F? Well, there is quite a lot of it: The Doctor is one of the best metaphors of...
20 wyświetleń
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