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Goodbye Saul, Welcome Jimmy - Ethical Laws of "Better Call Saul" TV Show (Season 6 full included)

Zdjęcie autora: ΣΣ

Zaktualizowano: 12 kwi 2023

Spoilers for BCS and Breaking Bad!!!

(Check out this brilliant artwork for BCS:

And here we are, I finally can define what type of TV show is this. Better Call Saul is the best twisted romantic comedy. Let at first study the whole BBuniversum to understand what path the characters go through.

Jimmy McGill is defined by other characters, that he was evil in the corrupted law way it was at the beginning. By this, I mainly focus on his brother that implemented this thought. He constantly gives Jimmy the idea that he can't change, because he always has some anarchist psychological disorder (that I can't remember the name, for now, something like ASPD) since Jim was born. Chuck can't give Jim the opportunity to be around in his beginner career. However, to be fair - they have of course some discussion when they both love themselves, they approve of themselves like two members of family or friends that support. But like in other types of this toxic relations, optimism is more wearable in this relation than toxic pessimism. Chuck often scolds his brother too much, that even when he was right, he told Jimmy no elegance, which only confirms to Jimmy that is bad, so he will do bad things because he can't able to change. Older McGill after all will be defined by the means of what he thought his brother was. Revenge is sweet, but the cost of it.... is terrifying: Jimmy was a part of Chuck's suicide, but he doesn't want his brother's death, but accidentally he contributed to these events. So the wheel goes on: Chuck was jealous of Jim because he has respect for their friends, parents, and people around, but Jimmy was jealous of Chuck because he has luck in his professional career. Jimmy court more about this relationship than Chuck, because the younger McGill want the respect from Chuck, that he never received, because of non-honest and jealous thoughts that older McGill has (+ his mental issues have some effect on that).

The Winner Takes It All -

a million cash and a prison, and the loser - lantern and destroyed law firm

Now, we should focus the every pre-paid off for the Breaking Bad show. Mike was shaped by his bribe offers, then after all was ended by the death of his own son. Ehrmantraut contrary to everybody else understands that sometimes the mistakes of other people are created by our own mistakes that we create. Walt also understands that, but more likely he just cares about his ideas more than other people's lives when he tries to repair his own mistake [; I don't mind that Walt wasn't in some way scammed- because after all he was] in his own way. It doesn't mean that only a few people in that world are guilty of something, but the whole BBuniversum teaches us that we should take responsibility for our actions. When characters think about time travel-regret things, they finally confess to themselves what they truly were before the people and circumstances changed them. Mike felt some empathy for Werner after he killed him, and maybe that's why in some way he tries to believe in Walt, even if he understands how unstable and dangerous an amateur he is. We know how it ended - Mike had miscalculated about giving a chance to Walt. Ehrmantraut also overstates Gus genius, because his empire was a meltdown by other smart thoughts. Fring, however, overrates his own actions- because the Eduardo fight was only RNG full of luck for Gus, and that's why he loses with Walt a few years later. It is hilarious stuff that all of these drug things were destroyed by some chemistry teacher.

It's really sad for me that in the finale they didn't find Howard and his killer body - probably this is the saddest death case, because the rest of the dead bodies in this universum were found-like Hank and Steve. I do not like when the writers at the end of the series add a given plot or event that has a diametrical impact on the lives of the characters we come to grips with, and the plot of the bodies buried under the laboratory, unfortunately, looks like this. This is important because it would show that Howard is not the most harmed character in this universe, and due to the lack of traces of his "disappearance", he looks as if he was from now on, instead of Walter's family, Jessie or everyone who died because of White actions.

To be honest, I really don't like Hamlin in the first seasons, but now I understand the reason why: he was manipulated by Chuck about his myths about his brother and was manipulated by Jimmy and in the future by Kim. It's a weird parallel because Jimmy was jealous Chuck of their position of Howard in his life career. It seems like the show wants to say that you need to be careful who you deal with or no matter how hard you work for your life you will end with a bullet in your head. That seems legit because it shows that money is not all to set your life, but workaholism also; Howard has this professional burn-out. So in another sentence, we should say that you should always report things to gov when you will be scammed or attacked in a mental way by your best friend's brother. We should care about this stuff, and also about people that we are friends with- or we will end like Howard...or Kim ('till season 6). These two heroes are the top 2 pure souls in the entire universe of BB (except +Walt Junior, maybe).

The purest man alive, golden boy, and the hero that should be - Howard Hamlin

I really love "Better Call Saul" because it raises the topic of the general structure of the (documentation) law, mainly American law. Sometimes regulations and rules that were written are nonsensical in the modern world day that we should edit. Jimmy was representative of the state that we should change it, Chuck - that the law is a saint (that isn't good- I mean, the president of my country is a pencil-man who thinks like Chuck, so now we have a nonsensical traditional-cultural social debate about stuff that should care to people instead of hurting it like homosexual marriage or abortion or some part of civil nonsense rights). The truth is, that Slippin' Jimmy has some rights - the law unknowingly hurt people. Every human deserves a right to defense and I agree with that, even if you are the most psychopath in the world and raped someone, but the bound of this defense things should be sketched, or we stretch this thing as Jimmy and Saul have done. Legally that's illegal, but in the legal thing, he stretches things for his own and his client's spoils. And in that world, we shouldn't exist, because the law will be shaped by corruption and not in a public relations good. There should be a limit on "get off the tiger's back" stuff.

Anyway, it's really hard to think that Kim also contributed to the death of Howard, just like Saul, because he cares about Jimmy to not let him give a heart attack if he found out that Lalo lives... even though, he found out, just like a few seconds before his death Hamlin found out that he wouldn't be going to survive this meeting. So it ended that Saul go full Saul and get a narcissistic disorder and Kim get depression for another year. I see these things in this way:

  • Seasons 1 and 2 told you about the escapades of a corrupt lawyer and the development of relationships between 2 people

  • Season 3 is about a psychological clash between two brother lawyers

  • Season 4 is about tightening the relationship between 2 lovers, coming to terms with family loss and corruption in the cartel

  • Season 5 is about how a lawyer and his beloved enter into contracts with cartel businesses

  • Season 6, part 1 is about the consequences of escapades of corruption of childish numbers and fraternizing with the cartel

  • Season 6, part 2 is about how the uncertainty about who you are eats away human relationships and lives for years

That is the Days of Wine and Roses my amigo (

The whole show is about how strong you should care about people.

That's why Nacho is a man who understands that revenge will only swallow every human and his soul. His father knew this the best. Saul ended in a redeem way on the lifeway. And we see that in Breaking Bad: bye, bye Fring, Salamanca, and Mike. Nacho chooses a path that was destructible for him, and he was devastated by that but ended in a redeem way on the death side. Nacho was the best in this crime, like another Jessie Pinkman, but with no pleasant end.

Can I talk more about this show? Yes, and yes-every actor was the best in his role. I love you Ignacio and Howard, Kim and Jimmy, but I hate you Lalo. But of course, I like you, Tony Dalton. Kim is the most developed female character in this universum, because screenwriters have problems writing female characters in BB. Now, we can see that they succeed, and we don't see only women characters in the black like in Breaking Bad. Kim Wexler is a good example of how we should do heroes.

Kim Wexler - ''Love Will Tear Us Apart'' / ''Together we're Poison'' - Ian Curtis

How to get emotional? Watch TV show that shows truly life emotion, that is commonly known to people. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are for that. BCS focus on love and dreams, BB focus on desire and ambition.

JImmy does a shortcut to accept himself and became Saul Goodman, which I talk more in a Season 5 column ( Young McGill wasn't always "like that". The only person that give him a chance was brilliant stable Kim, that truly love him-he saw his true shape under the turtle lawyer's sneaky shell. Because of his old complex, and then narcissism disorder during Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad, he never confesses who he wants to be because he doesn't believe in himself that he is able to be a normal ethical guy, he done shortcuts by breaking the law. Gene Takovic was only paid off to understand the structure of Saul Goodman. After a long journey, when he understands what he is capable of, he confesses. Walter confesses only to make it in his own way because he doesn't believe in Jimmy and doesn't believe that he can take back his own company, as we have seen this in a flashback scene in the final of BCS.

People define people, but after all, you can control life if you don't have enough problems that make mental illness unpredictable to control like in Joker. Jimmy understands after a long time this fact. Walter knew this since being- and he liked it do it for himself, but Jimmy need to be in a space where somebody accepts this. Goodbye Goodman, McGill you are and always you want to be. I love that open ending like in Baby Driver, but more non-optimistic. We can speculate about the future fate. Maybe Jimmy will walk out of prison sooner because of his good behavior? Who knows. That's life- Kim and Jimmy. Wexler and McGill. No for Saul Goodman, Saul Goodman was only good to be an idea of giving some hope to people who always have problems (with the law and do crime), but the true hope is and was and will be James McGill, and I hope, that James will remember that for the rest of his life with Kim.

God is good, Life is painful, Existence can be funny




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