What can you find in this oldest British series S-F? Well, there is quite a lot of it: The Doctor is one of the best metaphors of humanity on every background. Thirteen personalities are divided into smaller parts of human existence. This character is the God of the universe, guardian-like humanity, a discoverer, and a thoughtful strategist of existence against the background of very long-time transience. However, this is the golden rule for the duration of the series and for Whoniversum itself - where the journey to the destination itself becomes the destination. An escape from a pensive civilization, an escape from the War of Time, an adjective of war. The doctor becomes, in a sense, an icon of liberation from anything - that is what makes him the God of everything known, despite the fact that he is able to negate his role in the whole cycle called life and death. The best episode so far, in my opinion, from the whole series - '' From Heaven Exiled '', I am showing the whole idealistic utopia for achieving a goal in life - the goal is becoming a wall that breaks down for the next 4.5 billion years not remembering in that this whole cycle repeats with one hit.
Each repetition somewhat symbolizes a human insight into the whole of human history, everything was almost there - everything is repeated on the basis of plagiarism inspiration from earlier ideas, whose genesis comes directly from the naturalism of the Earth or the general principles of chemistry and physics of then-exploded cells, and soon arthropods, etc. And we go further ahead, trapped in a confession disk to finally break the truth barrier and reach the end of the bizarre last days of the universe full of anger at ourselves and deliverance on the trail for a further chapter that may arise. This is one such episode of the Doctor, which I just show life in its own form in various ways, at other times we will devote life to a little Scottish red-haired girl full of dreams to escape for the next years, and sometimes after the turbulent experiences, we recognize that we are not the survivors (for example, numerous human cataclysms), and those who have achieved something - victories. However, the phenomenon of the Doctor lies in the fact that he focuses simultaneously on a single example of an individual, straight from the '' Twilight Zone '' of Rod Serling predicting many variants of reality. On patience, forgiveness, breakdowns, joy, love, stubbornness, rise and fall. For fear of anything unknown or inconceivable - scenario from '' Wink '' - false salvation of time and shifting back in development [Weeping Angels], manipulation of memory [Silence], human imitation to nature [being from the '' North ''], controlled society [Shadow Proclamation] and many others. Where was all this going nowhere The doctor goes into the unknown and known; everywhere and nothingness like Nothing in his nihilism. '' You out of touch, I'm out of time ''.