Doctor, oh Doctor, who are you? God embedded in the mortal body and mind? Rooted question and error in time or being with whom we should identify ... Because, just like us, she experienced a lot, from comedy through tragedy to elegance and peaceful life. Killer? Wretched? Mentally ill? Fake hero? Protagonist? Socrates? The determinant of nothing and at the same time something? We will deal with this issue in search of the Doctor's identity. The ultimatum to these questions is in a way the incarnation of the eleventh. Doctor who?

Mental illnesses are known to the world, well ... one can only say that it has been so since the 20th century and from its second half. Sometimes, however, you get the impression that the Eleventh Doctor has many of the diseases most misunderstood by them. Geronimo to the head of the Doctor, therefore! One could say that impending chronic loneliness dispassionately transforms into an array of activities and the desire to be with anyone. And no, I'm not talking about myself here. One example of sudden action is wanting to be with Amy Pond. And even the Eleventh Hour shows this bipolarity of the Doctor, he loves apples once, a minute later, on a whim, but maybe not, he wants to throw them with a plate out the window. Well, the eleventh is an indefinable depth on the one hand, because how can we assess such violent action without in-depth analysis? This is due to the effect of repression, forgetfulness of the Time War, and the terrible past. The wildly surprising character associated with deep regret creates the largest mirror that man creates before playing others with millions of faces. Traveling with Amy can be chaotic, just because the Doctor loves to mask his real personality, i.e. bipolar lament.

So we have the Eleventh, a time lord with great experience and who hides from everyone and sometimes from himself. The doctor mainly covers himself with several personalities; An inquisitive neurotic, choleric, sociopath, liar to the cube, god complex, old man, desperate father, flirtatious man, collector (from objects to different thoughts), and unrestrained dark apparition. Adventures along with Amy lead Eleventh to meet the enigma still - River Song. She definitely loves him very much for who she is, whereas the eleventh even plays her games with her and is aware of the morbidities slumbering in him. There is a clue about who the Doctor really is. Amy's Choice shows us a certain puzzle of this whole puzzle. The Master of Dreams, as the parasitic form of the eleventh, wants to devour the reality surrounding not only the companions of the Doctor but himself. In this way, the Eleventh quickly restrains all this confusion on his own chessboard. Other times, the Doctor solves puzzles like a real detective and then grasps what Vincent is going through, the eleventh goes through the same, but in a different and less visible way. Maybe that's why he plays in Pandorice quite interestingly, he first sees the threat but eliminates it quickly as if he knew that he would win from the very beginning. God's Complex - the episode in which we learn that the Doctor is afraid of himself. There is no denying that his horror is somewhat due to the inability to cope with all the chaos he managed to create in the universe and in his own life. The doctor, of course, denies and cheats on his companions, despite the awareness that he can not cope. Like bipolar disorder, in one moment he wants to jump for joy and to please the marriage of Rory and Amy, and in the other, he is fed up, and sometimes you want to notice that it is close to us that the Time Lord does what the Champion does in the third season finale. I am more or less surprised to acknowledge that River Song is the daughter of Amy Pond. This, however, worried him the most, but the fact how much later he had to sacrifice for her, as did River for him.

The next adventures are another opportunity to collect stetsons, fezes, watches, and your own thoughts by closing the real self to the safe and wearing masks of different personalities. And on the one hand, the Doctor is having fun, but placed before the ultimatum, he only shows a dark appearance, e.g. in Mercy Town. Luckily, Amy notices this and keeps him well from my anger as much as he can. The events in Manhattan ("The Angles Take Manhattan") close some part of the Eleventh because he is aware that once again he is losing someone and almost irretrievably. And he has enough explanations that "this is life, so it happens, you have to reconcile and live on." The Doctor has always wanted to help different lives, now, having Clara Oswald, the Eleventh, I plan something much more, because he feels the yoke of the impending personality that will burn his own game. However, before this happens, the Doctor will fight with the interface of his own identity in the aspect of darkness, admittedly, but still. "Silver Nightmare" is the episode where we see the Doctor feeling a sense of regret, and fear of himself, which is the result of previous lives versus unrestrained self-destruction of our own fate. Fortunately, the eleventh win with his dark appearance, so that soon the depth of the Doctor can be shown as a timeline inseparable from reality, and her guardian will be none other than Clara Oswald. Interestingly, however, the personality incinerator is coming back anyway, because it is not the darkness itself, but the personality that the Eleventh had so much forgotten with his rise. The Doctor of War, because he accuses, and quite rightly, much of our schizophrenic Doctor, as he did not do for Gallifrey, while the Eleventh wants to completely turn away from it and cut off. Doctor of War, fortunately, I'm using the Tenth to tell the current Doctor what they should do and what they haven't done in the previous timeline. And this step somewhat made the crazy laments of the Eleventh dissolve, the Time Lord finally has something he has not had for centuries, hope for the future. Now the Doctor's goal is to find Gallifrey from the grips of wartime. So he can sleep peacefully thinking about the surviving population. But who wants to know where this will lead him ... Until the end of his old age, the Doctor focuses on a noble deed, something he always wanted to do, defend a small town against numerous enemies, without complexes or anger, and calmly end his career ... At least until the time masters understand that he is the only one in the Doctor hope to save them and give him a new recovery kit.

The time has come for the eleventh, for crazy diseases to close the Doctor's cycle so that he can be reborn again. For this incarnation, it will be a farewell in the meantime, for Clary a new beginning. The Eleventh Doctor is the icing on the cake, along with the brilliant acting of Matt Smith - you just have to watch to feel the true nature of the adventure he has for our scenario. The depth of the eleventh is like a journey through your own "mindscape". Will the Doctor manage to regain the paradise lost? This is the question for the next part of the Doctor's story. "The Madman with a Box".
Sigma wrote for you, Geronimo!