There was an idea- Tarantino create the best thing that may ever happen in 2019- the story of Hollywood 1969. Times of Utopia for Roman and Sharon Polańskich till death in 9 august of Tate. But the movie shows us new creation of reality with a happy ending where no one who is innocent will suffer. Movie ''Once Upon a Time In...Hollywood'' is just the perfect sentence of what should be done and what cannot be in the time of passing life from the middle-age-crisis to fully ordered peaceful life. Where Bruce Lee can be defeated. Where Hollywood going to madness and sickness but it's still a happy movie-maker-city. There are 60's that I loved and I want to love. But this is still an illusion for true dramatic times for the old XX century movie market and for Polański. However, this is an illusion that I still want to come true. ''Baby, you out of time''- literally I was affected when I heard that song in the movie. I really get touch bypassing the life of fictional characters DiCaprio and Pitt and also Sharon Tate&Roman Polański.
The magic times of actors are gone, but Quentin's! Tarantino makes glorious things for himself, Polański, and for the golden era for movies. Sometimes we can feel that the movies which were playing in the background of ''Once Upon[...]'' are more interesting than this film but the soundtrack for the 9th Tarantino film is the best picture of this, what is the whole meaning of this 2,5 hour nostalgic trip throughout the universe of Quentin-Quantum-Tarnatulintin movies and the real 60's Hollywood. This movie is a tribute to everything that Tarantino loves and what the Movie city loved. Basically, it is quite farewell for Universum of Tarantino as like for himself and this is why like ''Inglorious Bastards'' we can see an alternative timeline where the real tragic things make good in a different ways. This is a big tribute for 1. Sharon Tate 2. Young Roman Polański 3. Happy nonsense old Hollywood. I really want to make events in this movie to be true stories for us all, but this was only Once Upon a time... Once Upon a Time In Hollywood...
Vote for Future,
Vote for Joy.
Don't try to Keep Me Hangin' On :P
This Red Apple is really good!