Okay, so imagine a superhero movie that focuses on just two characters as a harmonious duo, where the movie is a combination of Jojo Rabbit's humor and situationism, Pirates of the Caribbean absurdism, a fanfic take on history and events like Inglourious Basterds and action straight from John Wick and visual effects like Everything Everywhere At Once. That's what this movie is. Spoilers are probably down there.
Telling about the prestige of emotions and friendship above all standards of excessive behavior of the British Empire. Absurd, romantic, touching, revolutionary, action, danceable, and beautiful. The trailer was 2/10 for me and I gave it absolutely no chance that this movie will delight. RRR, after watching it, turned out to be a bull's-eye, something that I can still admire in my memories. The movie of the year 2022. Fantastic and the first Indian movie I've ever seen (released on the EuroAmerican-West market so that it's more digestible for white people, even though the writers didn't believe in its success for our audience). The smoothness and quality of this movie are better than all the MCU movies (and only Spider-Man 2: Far from Home had good smoothness xD).
The representation of the main characters as their internal conflict makes me move as if it's the two approaches to reality that make this whole planet move around the sun. The incognito approach, as the movie itself shows, is not naive, but simply deceptive. It's hard to say unequivocally whether the realism of the world presented through the suspension of disbelief settles my giggles during the screening, but that is the value of this movie. Laughter. Dancing is humor, and we have to dance because without dancing we are not good people. Then we're pissed off about everything, craving every single thing they want. While I may not like the plot of involving children in a bloody revolt like the Warsaw Uprising, I can forgive the film for one thing - because we know that the action takes place during the British Empire's physical occupation of that country. That's why this bad taste still exists. I don't like children being turned into soldiers and a human cannon shield for errands. If you want to use children for political games, it's better to give them employment as a postman, not as a man with a gun or a rifle. Emissaries are always useful, but soldiers? For me, sending children to war is pure blasphemy, equal to a war crime for our civilization. Not cool. It's good that the film defends itself with historical background and crazy humor that I loved, just like this harmonious duo and fantastic dance. The real fight lies on the court.
Be sure to watch this movie, you won't regret it,

Fictional animals killing bad ppl - it will be for you adorable.