Human brain. The human brain is an element in our reality. Element of subreal version of the things that we want, but what is subreal? It's a substantial reality. Substantial reality is all that we think, what we feel, what we want, and what will be forgotten. Subreal is like a door without a key in a room, and the room is the reality.
What can I say more, we should take about ourselves as always, but I write
about it all the time in my articles because someday will be doomsday maybe not as fast for our world, but for us, as individuals. The cataclysm in our world might be dementia, but this problem can not only touch elderly persons but even young ones. I can only add the fact that I title this article based on an album, that covers whole problems about how dementia sound and works, but I will not focus on dementia. So...yeah, bait.
There are a lot of issues that will devastate our brains and kill us every day. At least, I will try. As a human being that has a high experience in the past about how mental issues work, not only on the side of empirical but also theoretical, I can only be sad about how stereotypical WHO sometimes gives the statement, or rather I mostly say- many articles write about what WHO said. They quoting about the fact that the man does more suicides than women and that's it - end of a sentence. That is a fact, but there is no talk about another depressing fact, that covers our humanity on a devastating scale. Women also commit suicide, but due to the fact that the phenomenon of suicide is divided into a committed suicide and a failed suicide = suicide attempt, no one takes suicide seriously, which is as common as in men. The difference lies precisely in the fact that it is men that are more effective in the sample than women, which classifies them as suicides, and not as those who made the attempt (which means that there are more of those after the attempts in the statistics for women). This is mainly due to the use of suicide. For reasons of upbringing and getting used to the culture of violence through more frequent contact with it than women - because women deal with violence often in a passive form than active, as in the case of men, they resort to self-destructive means that are already accustomed to them, which only radicalize them in many cases. Social planes carry out a lot of toxic behavior, be it for others or ... themselves. This leads to the fact that they are more often inclined to "win", to achieve and achieve a goal (the patriarchal system, which is directly connected with culture, also contributes to this). Therefore, men reach for measures that, unfortunately, turn out to be effective in their intention - most often just hanging, as opposed to women, who use measures such as cutting themselves or overdosing on drugs of their choice. Suicide was never a mainly biological experience, that grow in the head of suffered one, but it was the main state of the external environment. The network in the brain of an injured one includes regions called the dorsal prefrontal cortex and the inferior frontal gyrus that play a role in decision-making in suicide. People with that problem have above-average anxiety, which will also affect their whole life, but that doesn't mean that it will be for their whole life.
The human brain has a high-quality potential to do so many things, but with "with great power comes great responsibility", and many people aren't consequences of the fact, how many things they might achieve if they only broke off the shackles of the system we live in, that only give us money for more stuff. There is no meaning of that if we without context do more money, and more and more because part of our family or friends told us to do it. Maybe that's why still new generation doesn't want that, and they go to universities, even though they know that a large number of highly educated people on the market will reduce the demand for such people at universities. Of course, such a claim may change and the demand will be eternal, if so, we really will probably reach the peak of utopianism in which our life has a greater anti-materialist sense in this oh-so-inframaterialist world.
I think we really should change the perspective of how we see this world, because money won't give us anything more than death in an amok and lamentation. No matter what OCD, schizophrenia, biopoplar disorder, borderline, or other issues you fight with, there will be always the author of this article that comes to you with a bit of help to try to make your life better to live and make some sense in this.
This is a very nice website teaching about what is dementia and how it works:
I forgot about stage 5, sorry.
So what is the main cause of human problems, including his brain? A certain overload, coming out of nowhere and nowhere at the same time. Chasing dreams, work, a stable financial situation, having time to talk to people, and at the same time money for a meal that can be eaten, and which cannot always be afforded in better quality, despite the fact that anyway it is better to live in the North of our globe than in shattered South due to the scarcity of imperialist whims, which today is the lease of only 1% of the world's people. Ah, that social justice. The loss of loved ones is also a problem of all these issues. People may read books, but data transmission in one day and lack of sleep generates new holes in our beautiful sponge called the brain. These gaps either later lead to amnesia of events, or to suicide, or to long-term mental illness. Or to everything in succession...everything, everywhere at the end of time.
What i-s a s t a g e?

Always ready to help you,
But I don't remember who I am.
People change.
But I shall remain,
As a unremembered elder man
In the body of young kiddo.
How far I come from the country of being the father of my children
grandfather of my grandchildren
and a friend of other dead people I love.
I am a shell after all,
the one who gets lost
in the stillness of a gray sheet,
unlike anything at all,
which I have squshed in my own life
so far.