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Analysis of a certain sad girl - a short analysis of Asuka Langley

Zdjęcie autora: TiswerkaTiswerka


Asuka is one of the main characters in the Evangelion anime and films. She had a tough childhood, which was deprived of parents and full of loneliness, is led by Eva 02, and also lives with Misato and Shinji in the same apartment, it is hard for them to get along at first, but over time they begin to get along.

Asuka's childhood

Asuka's mother survived the Eva 02 test, but goes mad, believing that Asuka's doll is her daughter, and refuses to recognize the real Asuka, calling her "that girl over there." In the end, she commits suicide, and Asuka want to tell her that she became Eva's pilot found her own mother hanged.

We don't know much about Asuka's father, but we do know that Asuka was very unpopular with her stepmother by her defensive nature. During a conversation with Shinji, she says that she hates her stepmother and that she feels as if she is unable to replace her mother.

During Asuka's mother's funeral, her grandmother told her that she was a "strong girl," but She refused the idea of crying and replied that from now on she had to take care of herself. From that day on, Asuka promised herself that she would never cry again.

Interpretation of Asuka's childhood

The traumatic events of Asuka's childhood caused her to become extremely closed in on herself, but not in such a way that she avoided people only became so independent that she did not accept help from the No one but herself wanted to do everything herself. Because of this self-reliance, she has become extremely lonely and needs very much the attention of others to prove her worth. Nonetheless, Asuka has sublimated her suffering into determination and motivation to do things, and she completely denies that anyone could have any positive emotions toward her (read: Shinji).

Asuka also had practically no parental role model and this influenced her to become a very reserved person who suppressed her emotions and hid her ego from those around her. During her mother's lifetime, Asuka was very attached to her mother and her mother's suicide even broke her psychologically and caused an insecure attachment style and this further caused problems in the establishing relationships with others and also caused problems in finding her own self. Asuka is a textbook example of a person who has not developed parental role models.

Relationships with other people

Asuka feels some initial romantic drive for Shinji (mutual, by the way), but because of Asuka's pride and attitude, they are unable to confess their feelings for each other; the climax of their relationship was a kiss, but Shinji's inaction leads to a cooling of the relationship.

Asuka envies Shinji's relationship with Misato because she sees her as a potential image of the mother she so needs, but she fears Shinji will sort of steal her chances of gaining warmth maternity. The city gives Asuka support and helps her cope with her longing for her own mother.

Asuka's relationship with Rei was quite strained, Asuka wanted to befriend Rei, but she

wasn't interested in doing so, and because of this she begins to feel a deep resentment towards her. In episode 22, they ride an elevator together, during which Rei tells her that she needs to open up to her Eva when Asuka's synchronicity scores drop, but Asuka violently attacks and calls her a "Commander's doll," clearly projecting Rei's doll and her own hatred for them onto her mother's face.

Asuka in "The end of Evangelion"

Asuka piloting Eve 02 is submerged in a lake where Japanese defense forces dropped bombs THE DEAD. Asuka tells herself that she doesn't want to die, but realizes that her mother's "soul" continues to be in Eva 02. Her last words before she dies are a whispered "I'm going to kill you," repeated more and more feverishly. Asuka confronts Shinji when he desperately asks for help and says he wants to stay with her forever, but Asuka rebuffs him, claiming he only wants to use her as a escape. An outraged Shinji strangles her. After Shinji rejects this, Asuka caresses Shinji tenderly in a Yui-like manner, which stops him from strangling her again. Asuka's last line reads "kimochi warui," which can be roughly translated as "How disgusting."

Asuka's personality

Asuka's personality can be described as proud, haughty, and feels as if she is much more adult than she is. Asuka is dominated by a death drive (thanatos) and we can see this through the fact that she loses the will to live when she can't pilot Eva and this almost led to her suicide but At the same time, this death drive greatly motivates her to act and earn praise from others. According to the Freudian division of consciousness, she can be assigned to the Id for the reason that, despite her being so cold, see how she tries such "childish" methods to satisfy her pain mental and longing for his mother.


Asuka is a very lonely and suffering person on the inside, even though she doesn't show it, but she is very longing for her mother, whom she knew little after all. Asuka is very determined to achieve her goals, but after failure she gets discouraged very easily. Nevertheless, I consider her a characterpositive because of her attempts to change herself which are not easy for her, and also by herattempts at self-reflection.

A few words at the end

I hope you liked my next analysis and I will be very grateful if you write any feedback on this analysis,

thank you for reading!


Beyond the Pleasure Principle ~ Sigmund Freud



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