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Death of Andrzej Lepper - An ambiguous tangle of strange events

Zdjęcie autora: Dr Dune Dr Dune

Zaktualizowano: 25 gru 2021


On August 5, 2011, one of the most mysterious deaths took place in Warsaw

in the history of contemporary Poland. The death of one of the politicians in Poland most attached to the interests of citizens, [Andrew] Andrzej Lepper. To this day, his suicide hides many secrets. Many questions the official version of events that talk about the depression of this politician. Lepper himself has become a kind of legend that shows the state of political life in the Third Polish Republic. The Lepper myth is cynically used in political games.

But what happened to Lepper himself? We'll try to look at it in this article.


First, let's look at Lepper's behavior before his death, which in itself is already puzzling. A few days before his death, the leader of Samoobrona [; Self-defence- polish social Christian national-leftist political party] started to behave more suspiciously. Until now, he had gone for walks alone, so according to the testimony of his bodyguards, a few weeks before his death, he demanded that they follow him and protect him. This did not fit the character of Lepper, who liked to present himself as a 'hero of the people', a politician who does not dissociate himself from the affairs of citizens and their lives. On this assumption, he built the entire political narrative of Samoobrona, which was to be the voice of ordinary people. Hence the involvement in the implementation of the postulates for a raise for the health service, teachers, science, pensions, pensions, subsidies for agricultural fuel, agricultural insurance, a veterinarian in each district, which President Lech Kaczyński, during Lepper's presence in the government, called an insurgency.

Where does this radical change in Lepper come from? It is very possible that he felt a threat. Perhaps it was influenced by the deaths preceding his death, which I will talk about later.


However, before we move on to additional factors influencing Lepper's life and death, let's analyze the day of his death itself and the events related to it.

On August 5, 2011, Andrzej Lepper was found hanging from a bundle rope attached to a hook on which his box punching bag would normally hang. Lepper's agony lasted eight minutes. No one who hangs himself properly dies that long. When properly hung, death occurs much faster as a result of a neck twist and disruption of neuronal connections. Here, however, death was a slow result and painful suffocation, a desperate fight for every gulp of air lasting until the politician ran out of strength. According to forensic experts, Andrzej Lepper died at 8:30 at the earliest, and at 12.00 at the latest. High noon.

The investigation did not begin until Monday, August 8, two days after Lepper's body was found. The prosecutor's office explained it with a weekend off from work. In a civilized state, does the prosecutor's office take time off after the death of the deputy prime minister? It looks like deliberately obstructing the knowledge of the truth. Especially that the investigation included a toxicological analysis, which actually makes no sense after such a time because many poisonous and intoxicating substances are known to us during this time decompose in the body without a trace. The analysis itself showed nothing - but as I mentioned,

in fact, she couldn't. Moreover, the prosecutor's office assigned a young woman to the investigation and an inexperienced prosecutor. This is a strange choice given the importance of the matter for national security. What's more, the prosecution has not investigated Lepper's contacts with the east, which many believe are of key importance to the case (we will discuss them later in this article).

However, not only death is interesting. There is information that after Lepper's unexplained death itself, something happened in his room in the party office. Among other things, the investigators found open windows in the room, which were usually closed due to air conditioning. It was a well-known habit of this politician, which all his close associates were aware of. Similarly, order-valuing Lepper was found dead in a messy office with overturned things. Oddly enough, according to the findings, Lepper's TV was stopped in a freeze-frame at 1:15 pm, while as I mentioned, according to forensic experts, the politician's death occurred around 12:00. The more puzzling is the fact that the leader of Self-Defense, according to his relatives, never knew how to activate such a function on the TV set. This freeze-frame influenced development. However, perhaps there is a rational explanation for this strange circumstance - apparently, Lepper's decoder liked to hang and it could have been a simple failure. Such an opinion was presented by Mirosław Rudowski, a close associate of the deceased.

Most importantly regarding the Lepper party office, it was not some ordinary mess. Documents were the most overturned. Documents that Lepper treated as sacred. To this day, we are not sure whether all of them remained at the place of death or whether they were removed. And if they have been, the question is where? Will we ever know?

It is worth mentioning the last person who saw Andrzej Lepper alive. It was his personal driver, Mieczysław Meyer, who said goodbye to his supervisor around 10 p.m. on August 4, 2011. Years later, the politician's chauffeur revealed in an interview with TVN [polish commercial TV station] his views on the death of his employer. He said: I can't believe he hanged himself. He was a deeply religious person. Someone had strangled him. Anyway, what is important for the whole situation, he had an incredibly good attitude towards the leader of Samoobrona. He said: Before I got to know him better, it seemed to me that Andrzej Lepper was a tough man, a type of a leader. For the last two years I have been with him day in and day out and I know that he was a very warm (; pleasant) family man who was able to forgive. To fully understand the matter, we should also look at Andrzej Lepper's funeral. It took place on August 11 and was of a national character. Lech Wałęsa and Wiktar Hajsionak, a delegate from Lukashenka Belarus, were present. Importantly, at this funeral, Antoni Lepper, the brother of a dead politician, said in public: I cannot believe that Andrzej took his life. It doesn't suit him. To this day, many of his living associates are of the opinion.


His speeches seem to be of key importance to Lepper's case. To this day, recordings of them appear on the [polish] Internet with the following texts added in the titles: "That's why they killed him", "It killed Lepper." We will analyze two of them - one from the (Polish) Parliament (Sejm) and the other from the European Parliament.

First, let's take a workshop on his speech from the Sejm (we start a video on the right of a quote: It came from the period when our hero was about to be dismissed from the post of minister of agriculture. In order to defend himself against the loss of the minister's portfolio, Andrzej Lepper decided to aggressively address the deputies and remind them that he was aware of their scams, frauds, and unethical activities.

In his speech, Lepper referred to the sale of Polish companies previously owned by the state treasury, such as FSM Bielsko Biała, PZU SA, PZU Życie, Gdańsk Shipyard, Gerber, and Leżajsk Brewery. He calculated the losses suffered by the Polish state on the unwise privatization and sale of enterprises far below their real value, and the money that was "lost" during the transaction. He exposed the incompetence of the politicians of the time with the words: "You could not save the cradle, and you want to save Poland!". In addition, he showed them corruption, possibly even related to the activity of foreign services. Most importantly, he called those who made these transactions criminals and he said, "We'll find you." It was a threat to all those who were involved in the scams at the dawn of the Third Polish Republic. Thus, he made enemies among the supporters of the Balcerowicz transition to capitalism (who were not always supporters of capitalism themselves but wanted to maintain their standard of living in the elites of socialist Poland).

During the speech, he was significantly asked: "Are Mr. Marshal sure that you want to say all this, what are you saying?" Lepper replied, "Yes, I'm sure." After these words, he publicly stated that he had documents confirming his words and planned to hand them over to the prosecutor's office. Then, a dispute arose between him and the Marshal of the Sejm, who threatened him with a disciplinary penalty. This, however, did not make Andrzej Lepper withdraw. He began listing out more out of nowhere "donations" in dollars to campaigns for the various parties. This even applied to people such as Donald Tusk, who, according to Lepper, had the financial support of Andrzej Kolikowski, a gangster with the pseudonym "Pershing". Interestingly, this criminal, one of the most influential in Poland of the 1980s and 1990s, died in 1999, a year after allegedly paying Tusk a bribe. Today, however, this topic is not mentioned and even Tusk's greatest enemies do not raise this issue.

Summing up, this is an outstanding example of what made Lepper hated by virtually all political parties of the Polish Sejm, which actively ridiculed and discredited him in the media so that he would not gain too much popularity. But have they not gone further in tackling the Lepper problem?

Let's move on to another speech that took place in the European Parliament. (we start the video on the quoted law: As you have heard (if you watched the video), it concerns the problems that Poland encountered in moving from the socialist model to the capitalist model under the auspices of Balcerowicz. This US-sponsored economist contributed to the collapse of many sectors of the Polish economy. Due to the privatization of the plants, unemployment jumped. Moreover, a large part of Polish plants was bought by foreign entities, which limited the state's profits from these jobs. Balcerowicz also created a favorable situation for buying nationalized real estate relatively cheaply for anyone who only had set aside capital. For example during the Balcerowicz transformations, Radosław Sikorski bought a dilapidated manor house for USD 2,000, which today could be worth millions. Lepper criticized this economic order. He believed that the transition to capitalism was necessary and good for society, but he also saw how many aspects of the transformation had gone downhill, how great was the scale of cronyism and corruption and privatization as, in this speech, Lepper asked for compensation for the damage suffered by Poland in the accession process to the European Union. He was one of the first to note that the economically stronger EU states colonize the Polish national economy by buying out its enterprises and treating Poland only as a sales market. Moreover, he was the only politician of the time who did not idealize the Union or demonize it in a purely ideological way, and he had the courage to put hard conditions on the Brussels political elite, which he believed were to serve the Poles. According to him, the Union was not good for us as long as its conditions were good for us. For this reason, he could make enemies both in the European Parliament and on the Polish political scene.

However, there is no evidence or evidence that Lepper died as a result of an attack by any of the European Union countries. There are no materials that say it unequivocally. It must be said, however, that the death of Lepper, who made Polish society aware of the fact that Poland as an economically weaker country is being used and treated only as a market, was in the hand of the largest - both then and today - exporter of goods to Poland - Germany. Moreover, it must be said that the pro-European Polish political elite maintaining the Balcerowiczian economic order could have contributed to his death by using the Polish secret services. But that's not the only possible scenario.


Let us move on to the issues that raise even more doubts. Lepper's death was analyzed in detail by Tomasz Sekielski - today is known mainly from documents concerning pedophilia in the Catholic Church, co-created with his brother. About his investigation

on the death of Andrzej Lepper, many people today simply do not remember. And it provided many interesting conclusions that clarify many issues but also create new questions.

First of all, Sekielski made contact with Mykola Hinajła - a Ukrainian Orthodox priest, a friend of Lepper who was suspected of working in the intelligence services of the USSR and today's Ukraine. This is an extremely important name in all of our affairs. Who was Hinajlo? In the 1980s, Hinajło was placed as a soldier of the USSR in a garrison in the Polish People's Republic. It may be a coincidence. Or not. Perhaps the Kremlin government sent him to infiltrate the emerging Solidarity and PZPR elites, which over the years were to start building a new Poland. Moscow, anticipating the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, could have tried to secure its interests in emerging states such as the Third Republic of Poland. His supposed mission was crowned with getting closer to Andrzej Lepper. Why did a man like Lepper confide in and seek advice from a priest in religion he did not believe himself? Was Hinajło a "little Polish Rasputin" who guided Lepper in a semi-mystical way, like his prototype Tsar Nikolai II? Or was it an ordinary agent of the post-Soviet elite who wanted to keep democratically elected Polish politicians on a leash after Poland regained independence from the USSR in 1989? The answer to this question is not at all simple. Mykoła Hinajło, together with Iwan Mykuliński - the then deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine - became the founder of the organization established in 1989 called the Knight's Order of Michael the Archangel - an officially religious charity claiming to be the Orthodox version of "Caritas'' - which brings together former Soviet high-level officers and influential figures of Ukraine such as Ihor Mazepa - one of the richest living Ukrainians, a descendant of the ataman Ivan Mazepa responsible for the uprising against Poles and countless war crimes in the 18th century, or Viktor Yushchenko - one of the first presidents of Ukraine after its secession from the USSR. In the first years, the Order functioned as a secret society, but in 1997 it was legalized. But let's go back to Mykola Hinajła. Thanks to contacts with various influential and wealthy people present in the Order, this ordinary pop has had a great influence in the political circles of Ukraine and possibly also in the Kremlin. The Order itself, according to Oleh Soskin, an educated expert in Ukraine's internal politics, is a dangerous organization operating at the interface between the business and political elites of the former socialist countries. Lepper, when asked about contacts with this mysterious man, who was Mykola Hinajlo during his lifetime, replied: There is nothing to comment on here. These types of answers are still frequent among politicians whenever they are asked by journalists about compromising situations. This means that Lepper was realistically terrified of the possibility that the public would find out the truth about his friend-pop, whatever that was. When Lepper was asked in an interview if he was still receiving calls from Hinajła, he replied that he was a polite man and picks up the phone. Was Lepper guided by culture, or common interests, or fear? It cannot be stated unequivocally.

During Sekielski's conversation with Hinajła years after his death, the priest suggested that his longtime friend knew too much. Quoting Batiuszko's statement, a Polish politician: he had dangerous knowledge and told someone too much about it. The crucial question remains: who in that case, he decided that Lepper knew too much and who liquidated him for it? Lepper's contacts with Hinajła build several possible scenarios about his death. The first - Polish internal intelligence discovered that Andrzej Lepper was an agent of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, or even the supranational Knight Order of Michael the Archangel itself, and for the security of Poland and the preservation of its sovereignty from foreign influences, he had to liquidate him because if Lepper received an important state position, he could remove the secret information abroad or to be guilty of high treason and pursue foreign interests. Lepper was a threat to the security that was building Poland's independence and new policy and had to die. Such a theory would coincide with how he had a great deal of knowledge about the scams of Polish politicians - foreign services could have passed it on to him. Moreover, his speech in the European Parliament, which we have analyzed, may be an expression of Lepper's game within the Union - a game based on creating a conflict between Poland and Brussels, which, if not clearly resolved, would break the Union for many years, which the Kremlin hoped for. Examples today show that Russia is investing serious money in Eurosceptic groups. At the time of Lepper's death, the Russian political elite consisted of exactly the same faces. There is therefore a possibility that Russia was making such political investments back then as well.

The second scenario - Andrzej Lepper was liquidated by the intelligence services of Ukraine, Russia, agents of the Knight's Order of Michael the Archangel, or possibly a team gathering each of these groups. Why? Perhaps Lepper wanted to become a double agent and sell information about the network of foreign agents to Polish intelligence. This would mean that a race against time had begun for each side of the conflict - Polish and Eastern. Lepper lost this race and was killed by foreign services before he gave his information to Polish intelligence.

Third - Andrzej Lepper really committed suicide, but not as a result of depression, as the experts found, but as a result of noticing the clinch he was in and the lack of other better solutions. Perhaps in the last days of his life, as a result of contacts with the intelligence of Ukraine or Russia and a representative of the Knight's Order of Michael the Archangel, media scandals, and ambushes by the Internal Security Agency, he decided to take his own life fully consciously, so as not to let any of the parties to the conflict learn from his knowledge, save the family from the torture that could be used by his enemies to force him to tell the truth and draw the attention of Polish public opinion to the influence of the post-Soviet elite and Polish intelligence in the independent and a democratic Polish state.

Each of these scenarios is possible and too little documented to rule out the others and choose one of them. The deeper we get into the Lepper case, the more doubts arise.


There are four different mysterious deaths associated with Andrzej Lepper's death. Three of them took place before the death of the leader of Self-Defense, and one in five years after it. Each of them is an interesting and complex case. I would like to discuss Wiesław Podgórski as the first mysteriously deceased figure. He was not a politician by education and profession. Like most of Lepper's entourage, he was a simple commoner. He was a gifted bellwether and ventriloquist. At the same time, Podgórski was capable of thinking worthy of a great visionary - it was he in the presence of Andrzej Lepper in the government he was responsible for the erection of a monumental monument to the Battle of Grunwald in the fields of Grunwald related to the approaching 500th anniversary of the battle. After completing this great project, Podgórski died at the end of June 2011. According to official news, it was a suicide. Lepper, having learned about the death of his important collaborator and at the same time a close man to him, publicly stated: Our colleague and friend and long-time collaborator Wiesław Podgórski have passed away. Feeling sorry for the family and relatives of the deceased, on behalf of the activists and supporters of Self-Defense and myself, I express my deepest sympathy. Goodbye Wiesław.

The death of Podgórski was a big punch to Andrzej Lepper - not only emotional. His party has lost one of its most eminent activists. Perhaps this has led to the present in the official version of the cause of death of a depressive politician. Perhaps it was then that Lepper suspected that his enemies were trapping him in a clinch and was taking part in the game for life and death. Perhaps Podgórski's death was supposed to be a warning to Lepper, telling him: If you don't cooperate with us, you'll end up like him. Did Podgórski's death affect Lepper and push him towards the later realized desire for self-destruction, or was it an element of the services' game? and secret societies? With the scant evidence at present, it cannot be stated unequivocally. The fact is that Andrzej Lepper died less than two months after Wiesław Podgórski's death. Another person mysteriously deceased before Lepper's death was Róża Żarska, his personal lawyer. It was Lepper who raised her to high positions and made her no ordinary attorney. In 1991, she joined the [Przymierze Samoobrona] Alliance of Self-defense. She sat on her political council. Many times she was Andrzej Lepper's defender in court trials, which happened to be quite a lot because Lepper was uncompromising and did not mince words and deeds. However, you cannot blame all his problems with the law on his political commitment - Lepper has been a participant in several sex scandals. He is also the author of the (lying from a psychological perspective) statement that it is impossible to rape a prostitute.

Żarska tried twice to get to the Parliament on behalf of Self-Defense, successively to the Seym and the Senate. Each time she failed. In 2001-2007, she was a member of the Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland in the Tribunal of State. This guaranteed her a large salary and, at the same time, a lack of greater responsibility, because since the founding of the Third Republic of Poland, the Tribunal of State has never judged anyone. Róża Żarska died in July 2011 in Moscow. The place of her death raises doubts in itself, because if her death were caused by an action by the services, it would have to be either action by foreign services, or action by Polish services carried out with the consent of the Kremlin, or action by Polish services without the consent of the Kremlin, and therefore extremely risky. Żarska's obituary does not state the causes of death.

We can learn from media reports that the cause of death was a pulmonary embolism. Such a condition is very convenient for the possible perpetrator, because, as we learn from the information about pulmonary embolism, in one in three cases of embolism its causes are unknown and impossible to define. In addition, such an embolism can be provoked on someone by prolonged pressure on the veins. The pulmonary embolism provoked by the pressure of the venous vessels seems to be an ideal way to eliminate "wearing white gloves", especially for an elderly person with a deteriorating condition of the respiratory system, such as Róża Żarska, born in 1949.

Another person who died first in this group, in May 2011, was Ryszard Kuciński, Lepper's private lawyer. Unlike Żarska, he was not involved in the activities of Samoobrona and worked with its leader only for profit. Nevertheless, Lepper considered him a trustworthy man. This was why he had handed over many documents to him that were never meant to see the light of day. It is not known what these files were about, but nevertheless, they had to be documents of exceptional importance. It is very possible that these were the documents he mentioned in the parliamentary speech we discussed earlier.

Why was Kuciński the first of the three to die? If we accept the hypothesis that it was liquidated, it was because it was the most important of the three. It was he who deposited the documents of Andrzej Lepper, from which one could probably learn a lot of still undisclosed information about Poland, the Knight's Order of Michael the Archangel, and Polish trade agreements with the East. Nobody knows anything about the fate of these documents. It is very possible that they fell into the wrong hands.

The order of deaths of the most important people involved in the functioning of Self-Defense

and the political activities of Lepper on the eve of his death are thus as follows:

1. Lepper's personal lawyer, the holder of his most valuable documents.

2. Lepper's personal lawyer, his experienced court defense attorney.

3. One of the most dedicated Self-Defense activists.

These deaths are by no means accidental.

In addition to the previously discussed three Poles, Petro Stech, a Ukrainian lawyer from Lublin, who lives in Poland, also lost his life in mysterious circumstances. Similar to Hinajła, he was a former Soviet soldier present on Polish territory. Moreover, from July 1, 2003, he was the great prior of the Knight's Order of Michael the Archangel to Poland - the most important person in the Polish structures of this association. He was found dead in his hotel room in Lutsk - the city where the key management structures of the Order we are discussing are based - in 2016, five years after Lepper's death.

One of the hypotheses about the causes of death of Petr Stech assumes that the recordings obtained by Andrzej Lepper in Ukraine were to be sent to Stech. Tomasz Sekielski found information that: the Ukrainian police, despite unclear circumstances, discontinued the investigation on the same day, recognizing that the death was due to natural reasons. The hotel owner claims that Stech died during a huge party and an overdose of stimulants. What's more, the recordings from the hotel where Stech died are mysteriously lost, making this statement difficult to question. Stech's blood tests revealed drugs that, on the one hand, may confirm the hotel's owner's hypothesis about the party, although, according to the deceased's brother, they may have been tricked into slowing down his reaction to the sudden attack of the hired assassins.

The similarity in their biographies of Petr Stech and Mykola Hinajła is simply puzzling. They both belonged to the Knightly Order of Michael the Archangel. Moreover, they were close friends. Perhaps both of them were recruited to the intelligence of one of the post-Soviet countries on similar terms. The existence of recordings that allegedly led to the death of the great prior Petr Stech would fit in scenarios 2 and 3, as it implies that Lepper had tapes for his enemy from foreign services and the Order. This could have led to the events I talked about earlier. At the same time, the existence of these recordings does not exclude scenario number 1 - Lepper was an exceptionally intelligent and clever man. The fox of the early politics of the Third Republic could record his co-workers from foreign services in order to keep them in check and maintain dignified conditions of cooperation instead of falling victim to their blackmail and becoming their errand boy. According to the investigation by Wojciech Sumliński, the cause of Stech's death was completely different.

In his version, Stech tried to break out of the system built by the Knight's Order of Michael the Archangel in Poland and Andrzej Lepper. A lawyer from Lublin wanted to disclose information about suspicious businesses and illegal financial transfers allegedly made in cooperation with companies associated with Lepper and with the help of the Order of Michael the Archangel. On the day he was to meet a trusted man who was to learn the truth, he suddenly died in a hotel in Lutsk. In this scenario, therefore, Lepper was very pleased with the former members of the Soviet security service, and Stech was the only moral man who wanted to stop him, which he cost with his life. However, as I said, believing Sumliński - a man who quotes cheap crime stories in allegedly scientific work - is not easy and he is not a great authority on Lepper. Now that we've covered the mysterious deaths linked to those of Lepper, it's time to look at an entirely different aspect of his life.


Another forgotten aspect of the Lepper case unearthed by Sekielski is the matter of the interests of this politician. It just so happened that he had a fairly large stake in Middle Eastern oil production These shares had to come from somewhere in his fortune. One can take the innocent version that he bought them completely on his own without anyone's help and thus made a life investment.

On the other hand, perhaps his friends across the eastern border helped him

It must also be said that Lepper was in possession of them during a critical period for the Middle East. After September 11, 2001, and the beginning of the American war on terror in Iraq, there was a spike in oil prices related to the disturbance of the work of previously stable

and unattacked refineries. Oil production has fallen, and thus also oil supply. Demand remained the same, which caused the price jump. What does this situation mean for Lepper, an investor in Middle East mining companies? Gain. For some reason, however, years later, according to the financial records, he indebted himself and his party into unpaid sums, which is said to be one of the causes of suicide.

When juxtaposed, these two facts can mean several things. One possibility is prosaic - Lepper wasted his oil money and ran into debt. The second - Lepper did not provide information about this money in the settlement and placed the capital where no one was looking, creating what we could call 'Lepper's treasure'. Third - someone forced him to return the money. Perhaps these sums were meant to be a tribute or a fee for silence on some compromising matter. Here, however, the evidence is too modest to state anything unequivocally.


An additional thread of the Lepper case appeared in 2017, in the initial period of the PiS [ruling political party at now] rule (which will become important later). It was also then that Major ABW (Internal Security Agency in Poland) Tomasz Budzyński, who was associated with the Lepper case, was questioned by the prosecutor's office. He confirmed that he participated

in surveillance of this politician. Apparently, the leader of Samoobrona had knowledge of the scams when concluding the government gas contract between Poland and Russia. They concerned Prime Ministers Pawlak and Miller - successively representatives of PSL and SLD [both Polish political parties]. He was supposed to get it thanks to his contacts in Ukraine, which I mentioned earlier. There is no evidence that Budzyński's words are true, but so far no one has dared to question them, the more so as they coincide with Wojciech Sumliński's discoveries in this matter.

On the other hand, one can ask why Budzyński decided to testify in 2017 and why his version resembles Sumliński's version so much. As I mentioned earlier, Budzyński's testimony has no empirical confirmation and is in fact only words. It is possible that Budzyński acted for PiS. Let us outline the context of the situation. This party returned to power in 2015. In the presidential campaign, it used aggressive rhetoric criticizing corruption, numerous scandals, and alleged failure to implement the national interest by the PO [the second Polish political party-giant]. It appeared at the anger of the citizens, promising to punish the 'thieves' (which for some reason has not happened until today and it seems that it was only a propaganda trick). In addition, in the initial period of government, PiS spread conspiracy theories such as the Smolensk coup or the Islamization of Europe, through which the foundations of the known world were to collapse very quickly (which has not happened to this day, although the number of Muslims in Europe is still growing). Conspiracy theories about Lepper's murder were also popular during this period, as evidenced by Google statistics. How did PiS gain from Budzyński's testimony? Well, in the initial period of government, PiS tried to build the legitimacy of its actions on the "repair of Poland" and the fact that their politicians "would not steal like the others". In the PiS narrative, the Third Republic of Poland was a land of anarchy and scams before this party took power again. Only Lech Kaczyński and his presidency, mythologized by TVP [National Polish TV station], constituted a break from this tragic state, but his death destroyed the chance to 'repair Poland' for years. Lepper's death was to prove that Poland was bad under the PO rule and corrupt. Lepper lost his life during this period. Hence, PiS intentionally fueled unrest over Lepper's death. As an agent, Budzyński might have been forced to participate in such an operation and give false testimony.

This also explains the role of Wojciech Sumliński in the Lepper case. For good reason

in 2015, on the threshold of a change in power in Poland, he published a book about Bronisław Komorowski's dangerous relationships. Here, regardless of what political sympathies this man actually has, he did PiS a favor in slandering 'old Poland' and in the process of building a 'new, better state'. A year after this book was published, Sumliński published another one devoted to the Lepper case. In the early days of PiS's power, Sumliński built pro-government propaganda.

Not only Sumliński can be accused of such actions. Similarly, the then editor-in-chief of Gazeta Polska [newspaper] and today's TVP board member, a great media ally of PiS, Tomasz Sakiewicz, stated that Andrzej Lepper was worried about his life in connection with the intention to disclose new information about the leak about the services' actions on the scandal a few months before his death, he wanted to meet Jarosław Kaczyński on this matter. Actually, this information is nowhere confirmed. Moreover, even if that were the case, why would Lepper go to only one coalition partner - Jarosław Kaczyński - and skip the other, the head of the League of Polish Families, Roman Giertych? This is all the more unlikely due to the quarrels between Lepper and Kaczyński related to the implementation of the Self-Defense program. During this dispute, Kaczyński called the implementation of his election promises 'bullshit', while Lepper called Kaczyński's attitude 'rudeness'. Everything indicates that even in such a difficult situation, Lepper would not turn to Kaczyński, but to many other people. Sakiewicz's claims are a propaganda attempt to add Jarosław Kaczyński 'force' to Lepper's story in order to make the current PiS president a hero that he is not.

At one time, TVP broadcast a series and a movie called ''Special Services'' [Służby Specjalne] referring to the Lepper case, among others. In one of the scenes, one of the heroes hung a politician with a white and red tie (a hallmark of Self-Defense politicians) on a gallows to fake his death. It was supposed to be a reference to the death of Lepper, and more specifically to this conspiracy theory which speaks of the participation of Polish services in it. This production went to public television for a reason.

Hence, there are two scenarios relating to Budzyński's testimony - either they are true or they are part of a propaganda game involving the PiS power, for which Sumliński, Sakiewicz, and the film "Special Services" were undoubtedly used. The ruling party, thus directing the public's attention to old pathologies, could easily demolish the constitutional legal order and get away with it with impunity until today.


The Lepper case is extremely mysterious. The very circumstances of this politician's death are puzzling. His contacts in the east with the Knightly Order of Michael the Archangel raise many doubts. The interests in the Middle East and its financial situation at the end of its life also leave many unknowns. The mysterious deaths of people associated with Lepper also create an aura of mystery over the grave of the leader of Self-Defense. The inquiries of Tomasz Sekielski, Wojciech Sumliński, or the Polish prosecutor's office actually revealed more questions than answers.

At the same time, we must also be aware that in the early years of the PiS rule, the subject of Lepper's death was deliberately denied in order to show lawlessness and anarchy in Poland under the PO rule and to convince citizens that PiS is the party that will fix it. Hence the publication of Wojciech Sumliński from 2016, Sakiewicz's articles about Lepper's death, or the broadcast on public television of the film "Special Services" and its serial version referring to the death of this politician. It is possible that Major Budzyński's testimony is an element of this political game, but it is not confirmed. It is extremely regrettable that Lepper's death was exploited in such a cynical way, but it was to be expected. Dead politicians are used as much in political propaganda as the living.

The mystery of Lepper's death has not been resolved to this day. However, we have at least collections of premises, facts, testimonies, and circumstances, each of which can draw his own picture of this man's death.


Dr Dune

Rest in peace, Andrew. And may the people be with you.


The article was created on the basis of cooperation in the investigation of the death of Andrzej Lepper, dealing with Dr Dune -the creator of the entire text, and Sigma, who translated this text into the English version and made a video version in Polish.

Both writers came to the same conclusions in this case (Death of Andrew Lepper).

PS from Sigma

Prime suspects for that case imo: Jarosław K., Zbigniew Z. and Mariusz K.


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