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Cicada 3301: Mystery organisation

Zdjęcie autora: ΣΣ

Zaktualizowano: 4 kwi 2023

On the 4th of January 2012, a user on 4chan posted an image to the sitting board. User with pseudonym 3301 gives users a challenge to uncover a hidden message in the image. Someone discovers that when we open an image by a text editor we could find at the end text "TIBERIVS CLAVDIVS CAESAR", which can be decoded to "TIBERIUS CLAUDIUS CAESAR". The pattern of text also contains a link, when we decided it. The image contains another information that leads to a subreddit which in turn contained information about a book. The book along with a code could then be used to uncover a phone number (214) 390-9608, and when called played the precoded message. -"Very good. You have done well. There are three prime numbers associated with the original final.jpg image. 3301 is one of them. You will have to find the other two. Multiply all three of these numbers together and add on the end to find the next step. Good luck. Goodbye ."- On another day, an image had been reposed all over the internet.

Growing community by self-enthusiast and self-detectives trying to find another puzzle but no one really knows how to do it. some of the people said that it was a big troll, but so others think that is something more. The dimension of the original image was missing numbers. After multiplying (509x503) and height with 3301 and using the product (845145127) as a web address users were taken to a website consisting of a countdown with the cicada image and when it countdown to "OH", everybody gets orgasms and explodes with computers. Just kidding.

The page was updated with a list of coordinates. These 14 locations were around the globe in 5 countries: the USA, Australia, France, Poland, and South Korea.

Each location has been posted with a cicada symbol and a QR code. Codes linked to an image, the image contains a riddle, riddle lead to a book, and book leads to a website.

And then, select first arrivals were accepted to this website into the final stage of the puzzle. Other people get the message "We want the best, not the followers"

The people who get in warned not to collaborate with others and share the details. Not everyone ofc heeded that warning, cuz we know something xd.

After nearly a month of noninformation on the subreddit image was posted with the conclusion that there will be more opportunities to solve mysteries like this, wanted individualist and hunt go to an end.

The second puzzle like the first contains codes that are hard to break to hijack to puzzle to ownself, so the users know that the puzzle is created by "3301".

On the 4th of January, 2013 new round was started. The puzzle was not so different, it was like the first but at some point, it contained "The instar emergency" which was an original song of 3301, you can find it on YT. And other clues lead to a cryptic Twitter account with lead to an image with the runic alphabet. The second puzzle was also getting into the world in different locations. Another step was taken into the twilight when 3301 vanished with their mysteries with no explanation and only a few people know the final solution of the second puzzle.

After a year, in 2014 the third puzzle was made. Just like in other images>book>link>Liber Primus. Liber Primus is the title of the 3301 who made a book with ruin alphabet that was the claims and manifested of the ideology sentence decoded form alphabet. Some of the pages contain other codes. One of them led to the song "Interconnectedness".

Nevertheless, the runic text has 74 pages and only 19 have been translated. The others are just mysteries. At the begging of 2016, 3301 confirmed speculation that the Liver Primus must be translated.

3301 has no lack of commercialization so the users thought that is probably an international group when the finalist of the puzzle release the email that they are given. They [3301] declare that privacy is an inalienable right meaning privacy-political contact on the internet. Soon the message was removed by a leaker. Cryptograms puzzles are made in some way also by governments but 3301 let's talk about finalist that has interviewed, they said that was led from email to forum on the dark web (no HTML code system like in the normal internet, so high functioning incognito mode in short) (Lenny's face).

Here there communicated with others recruits and with members of 3301.

They said that 3301 is an old mystery alien who wants to destroy the universe.

No. You morons. They said that 3301 had been founded by a group of friends who shared common ideas about security, privacy, and censorship. The goal was to develop a software application in line with that ideology- just like the dark web :d

As friends recruited friends, this secret society was quickly decentralized into an international organization. The problem was that the recruits quickly lost interest when they find out that there is no Happy meal starter pack with gold and money.

By the end of 2012, all but one had left and a few months later the site was gone. One of the final winners who elaborated with YT channel Nox Populi, that soon was claims himself about the winner of the second puzzle. He claims that all of the communication with 3301 was gone.

The theory, which claims Nox Populi that they're some people from the old cyberpunk movement. Because the puzzle gets vanished into no answers to what Liber Primus has to offer we might only try to solve the third puzzle and discover the truth behind the three cicadas. They just like Nox Populi say, but we might also have light to the day when the fourth puzzle will show to us.

Funny stuff, the prime numbers are appearing in the cicada life, there are yearly appear in every 13 or 17 years. And 3301 is another prime number...

Here are some links:

Songs of 3301:

Nox Populi channel when he guides how to solve puzzles:

Sigma is calling, now I rest in the dark.

Goodbye and thanks for reading, I've been searching for 3 months and creating material for this post about one xd.



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