Whatever it might be, whatever it can be. I do not haste myself, as I hate. The only thing I want to say is a matter of fact, that I am unable to see what is beyond our image in this horrific comedic world. And probably that's why I need to apologize for the stupid fact that I do not publish any type of article on my blog in 2021. Since now. Probably it was created by my work day-by-day on my board game and a few other big unknown for readers' projects. But it can't be more or less to be done and be created. And that's why I have almost completely no time for any goods. If I calculated it in a good way, I have only two weeks of free time. But now, I have the opportunity to have more- means +5 free days that I spend in Au stria, but not Australia. There is no kangaroo in Austria. But at least I've caught Beethoven in my mind.
For the end of that weird introduction, I only want to let my readers know that the blog will be somewhere between Unknown Pleasures of the time that I will have for writing something special like the articles in the past. But this time is like a diamond in a wine of empty glass. And no, I'm not drunk. Time is volatile even for the idiots just like me. That's why I can't guarantee when the next article will be. Probably somewhere in the next year, something like the 1 article on a blog per year, but who knows? Who wants to k'nose...
It is hard to believe how life is a fucking travel from one point to another. Pointless is only a gift of pain and that's why we should respect that. Without knowing it, you just can't be happy. Not in this timeline. Austria is maybe around to pointless nowhere between Imperial German legend and the old aristocracy that just can't grow up to understand that the time's change. Austria just wants to show you mainly this part of reality that has been lost in the past, just like the whole family story of the Hapsburgs. Hapsburger. Hamburger? Burger? But not with cheese, more likely with icing from the feminish rich complex [about women who cannot decide about their own life because of their rich fathers and naive monarchy politics]. Lost in the past there are also white buildings.

It seems like Vienna is focused on stealing from the tourists' tickets for the museum, but that's why you might love it. By stealing I mean that the cost is debatable but still worth its price if you really like that type of travel. Just don't cry if your legs are exhausted from the long trip. The guards of the museum can help you by breaking them. If you only were a Hapsburg member family. Otherwise, you'd need to be in pain alone. I'm just kidding, like the video games say, life is strange and that's why you explore whole things in the white buildings in Vienna.
Yet, where is the light in the Gold,
what is night in Austria,
how can you fly when you have no legs,
how you can smell without eyes
how you can live without travel?
That's how it works, you live enough to see old buildings or live too long to build a new one. Or something like this, I don't know, I'm not a Batman and not The Batman. But maybe I am Beethoven. In some ways, we all are deaf to the emotions of other lives. There is always some kind of Elise and some kind of moonlight. Even if the moon will break, something will always reflect our ways to another path of tragedy. That's why you can't see the difference between today and tomorrow. Present never exists, only past mixed with the repeat of the music bass-line. But you know, you might also write the Symphony No.5 of Beethoven, still, be deaf and wait for the end of money in your life, work hard, and die as a blobfish on the beach. Because sometimes making a museum for the viewer is harder than a made museum for the money-making machine. Even if you say that the money is going for the refreshing whole building, you just can't say that you publish "any type of art" in the museum for the mass, until you really do a favor for the history and make the museum free for its own value and for any viewer. Must control always be maintained? Lich-Bitch King, please, 2007 has no monarchy just like the future. But if you really want to have the crown, you have the consequences of hypocrisy and huge poverty. So, you really took the crown already?
