Alan Moore is one of Holly Trinity's gods of comics. "Batman: Killing Joke", "V for Vendetta'', ''Watchman'' is a perfect sentence of what Alan Moore want us to make: show the true apocalypse for the world. Long overload of information that he sees in the XXI century, the kind of human experience in this time of hermeticism, where history eats another part of history- the past is the future. We can agree, what means anarchy and revolution is a system in Vendetta or where is the knowledge of humans in ''Promethea''. The writing of Alan Moore is just a glorious moment in the pop culture of our society in the present time full of booming.
Comics indeed is not a value of paint, but the painting of narration in a view.
However, the Bible of Moore's "Jerusalem" shows that we are all connected without the main reason because we are the reason for ourselves. ''Providence" is another example of Lovecraft's creationism of what makes us scared. Alan Moore is only the guide, and artist for the comics and non-cosmic world. You should be interested in his comics because this man is the cause of what we are in the hermetic world full of snakes.
To check out more about the life of the writer check out this document about him:
Happy 2020 year everyone!